Saying Goodbye to Bailey, My Perfect Little Dog

Bailey was always all smiles.

After she fought multiple medical issues so hard, for so long, I had to say goodbye to my much loved dog, Bailey, on Friday. It comes as no surprise to anyone who knows us, or any pet lover for that matter, that this has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

They’re Not Kidding, Denial Isn’t Just a River…

When you have so many close calls, you just start to believe that “she’ll beat this one too” - even though logically you know that sooner or later, luck will run out.

In the end, her little body just couldn’t push on any more. Our vet, who had worked tirelessly for us, coming up with solution after solution, said what I already knew, there was no more we could do for her.

Ironically, it wasn’t the congenial heart and lung problems that we’d dealt with all her life that took Bailey from me, it was tumors on her brain and lungs (and probably elsewhere too).

My Little Weirdo

Yes, you read that right, I’m calling my beloved pupster weird, in the best possible ways…Bailey was always her own dog. She wasn’t going to be defined by conventions.

She was never the least bit food motivated, what she really wanted was love and attention from people. Old, young, even wheelchairs and canes and such - things that often freak out other dogs - never mattered to Bailey. If you were a person, she loved you and expected that you would love her too. The only thing that baffled Bailey was people who would pass her by without giving her love. (Me too, for that matter!). And oh, if we went out for a walk or out to run errands and she didn’t score love from at least one person, she would visibly pout about it.

Who could pass up this face?

It always cracked me up when people would try to offer Bailey a treat, and she’d ignore it while staring at them intently. People always looked at me confused. Then I’d explain what she really wanted, and she’d soak up the attention they’d lavish on her.

At the pet store, Bailey’s favorite section was the cat aisle, followed closely by the fish tanks. She didn’t try to get the fish, she just seemed to like to watch them and enjoy the sound of the water.

Bailey loved her pool time.

Water was an all-time favorite for Bailey. It didn’t matter if was a a bath, rain, the beach, the baby pool my friend bought for her, joining me in the shower (uninvited, I should add),or just messing around with hose - Bailey loved water in all forms. Bailey loved her pool time.In a pinch, she’d dunk toys into her water bowl for a bit of splashy fun.

Bailey playing “flower” in the hope I’d “water” her (I did!).

Most of all, Bailey loved snow. She’d run in it, play in it, roll in it, rub her face in it, and even eat it. Bailey got quite skilled at tricking me into believing she needed to go out when all she really wanted was more play time in the snow.

Bailey, my snow bunny

So, of course, when the universe was looking for a way to stomp harder on my heart, it snowed the day after Bailey died. 

There should be paw prints here, but there’s not.

I could go on and on, and I probably will in the upcoming days. But for now I just want to let those who knew Bailey IRL or online know that she’s gone. I need to start to learn how to live without her. No easy task, to be sure.

Hug your pets for us tonight.

My girl, Bailey

Get a 10% Discount at A Book Apart

A Book Apart is running a digital holiday flash sale! Today (12/19/2014) through Sunday only, use the discount code EBOOK10 at checkout to get 10% off all ebook orders. Get while the getting is good!! (Psssst, these make awesome holiday gifts!)

Child's Play Charity - Let the Power of Play Help Kids in Hospitals

Do Something Nice:

In their own words: “Child’s Play seeks to improve the lives of children in hospitals around the world through the kindness and generosity of the video game industry and the power of play.”

Happy children opening holiday gifts

Yes, things are tight this year; very, very tight. But while you’re shopping this holiday season, if you can find a few extra dollars, this a great cause.

Think about it, won’t you?

You can donate gifts from the wishlists or cash, it’s up to you!

Keeping your CSS Clean

Everyone knows they should clean up their CSS, but most don’t because hey, who has the time? Or maybe you do keep your CSS pristine, but then you have to deal with someone else’s legacy CSS. Well, no more excuses:

Great deals on Kindle Educational Books Today

Great deals on Kindle Educational Books Today - up to 80% off! I’m going to indulge a bit, my brain needs the boost!

7 Ways to Keep Pets Safe in Winter!

That chill in the air means it’s time to bundle up. But don’t forget to help your pets deal with the cooler temps. Here are seven ways to help your pets in winter - share your other tips in the comments!

  1. Keep cats and dogs indoors. If they must be outside for a period of time, ensure that they have a warm, dry place to hang out and access to water (you may need to use a heated dish!).
  2. Clear a path in the snow/ice and use a pet-friendly, no-salt ice melt such as Morton 7834 Safe-T-Pet Snow & Ice Melt, 8-Pound Jug .
  3. Keep your dog on a short leash and stay out just long enough for the dogs to relieve themselves.
  4. Remove snow and ice from the paws and fur after walks/playing outside.
  5. Check warm spots on cars, such as hoods, where animals might seek shelter from the cold.
  6. Be sure pets are wearing identification tags and proper outerwear as needed.
  7. Protect short haired or sensitive dogs during walks by using coats and boots. (or something like Musher’s Secret Pet Paw Protector Wax, 7-Ounce , which protects pads)

And here’s a bonus tip for my fellow humans: great doggie DIY idea for winter!

Do Something Nice: Donate to Child's Play Charity

Do Something Nice:

In their own words: “Child’s Play seeks to improve the lives of children in hospitals around the world through the kindness and generosity of the video game industry and the power of play.”

Happy children opening holiday gifts

Yes, things are tight this year; very, very tight. But while you’re shopping this holiday season, if you can find a few extra dollars, this a great cause.

Think about it, won’t you?

Did you know...Free Photos and Illustrations

Did you know that every month you can download a free photo, illustration, audio file, and/or video file from All you need to do is:

  1. Create an account with the site (it’s free too!) Just visit:
  2. Visit the site every month to check out the free goodies and download the one(s) you like.

Pretty sweet deal, if you ask me!

Full disclosure: This is not a paid posting (not that there’d be anything wrong with that!), other than I did use a referral link, but I’d only get credit if you use the link and then buy 30 files in 30 days, which would be a bonus but is totally not the point. The point is, this is such a great resource *and* they give away free stuff every month, and who doesn’t love FREE? I mean, seriously, it’s a good deal.

It's Time to Break Out of the Web Design Boxes

Recent developments in HTML & CSS are making it easier to create web page and application layouts that are more than a series of boxes. For example: CSS Shapes the future of the web. If you haven’t tried any of these options, you really should. Need help? Feel free to drop me a line:!

Beware of Pet Flippers

It’s called “Pet Flipping’ and this scary topic is starting to show up in the news all too often. Flippers find a lost pet, claim a lost pet that, or even steal a pet from a yard or park, and then sell it.

What can a pet caregiver do? Well, for starters:

  • keep an eye on your pet at all times - at the park, while shopping or dining at a pet-friendly location, or even in your own yard
  • be aware if someone at the park or someone you meet out on a walk shows too much interest in your dog, things like “how much does a dog like that cost” can be a warning sign
  • not leave your pet unattended - don’t tie them outside a store while you “run in for a minute,” don’t leave them in the car, don’t leave them along outside your home
  • get your pets microchipped to make identifying/claiming them easier

Bo Obama Gets a Playmate!

The Obamas have added another dog to the First Family. Her name is Sunny and she is also a Portuguese Water Dog.

Your Dog is Yawning Along With You

A new study reveals canines’ capacity for empathy with their human counterparts. And, as you probably could guess, vise versa! Read more:

5 Tips for Helping Your Pet Deal With the Heat Wave

Humans aren’t the only creatures who struggle in this hot, hot weather. So, here are some tips to help you help your pets manage the hazy, hot, and humid days of summer:

And here is a bonus tip from Bailey - pools are cool!

Bailey Turned 10 Years Old!

Several years ago, when we were just figuring out just how sick the pupster is, we weren’t sure we’d ever reach this milestone. But, thanks to a team of experts that include her amazing vet and dedicated dog walkers, here she is, letting me know that 1 hour of pool fun was not long enough and that as Birthday Girl what she says goes…

Bailey loves her pool time!

Bailey loves her pool time!

Dogs and Ticks - Some Tips!

No one wants to think about it, but the odds are, at some point, your dog could encounter a tick. Here are some resources: