Did you know...Free Photos and Illustrations

Did you know that every month you can download a free photo, illustration, audio file, and/or video file from www.istockphoto.com? All you need to do is:

  1. Create an account with the site (it’s free too!) Just visit: www.istockphoto.com
  2. Visit the site every month to check out the free goodies and download the one(s) you like.

Pretty sweet deal, if you ask me!

Oh, and they’ve also promised to donate $50,000 if they reach the goal of 50,000 extra downloads by December 13. Basically, if they see an increase in downloads of 50,000 over the same period last year, they’ll make the donation. So, if you’re in the market for stock photos, illustrations, etc., check them out. You could be the one to push the numbers to the goal!

Full disclosure: This is not a paid posting (not that there’d be anything wrong with that!), other than I did use a referral link, but I’d only get credit if you use the link and then buy 30 files in 30 days, which would be a bonus but is totally not the point. The point is, this is such a great resource *and* they give away free stuff every month, and who doesn’t love FREE? I mean, seriously, it’s a good deal.